(see discussion)
Step 1 : install JDK 1.5+ and above
Step 2: check JAVA_HOME is set
gem install rjb -v 1.1.2
see discussion
Step 4: Place iText files in a known directory
ruby script/console # in the working directory of your applicationStep 6: From your controller call the various iText classes
jar = "c:/ruby/iText-2.1.2u.jar"
require 'rjb'
doc = Rjb::import("com.lowagie.text.Document")
1 class LettersController < ApplicationController
2 require 'rjb'
4 Rjb::load("c:/ruby/iText-2.1.2u.jar;c:/ruby/pdf.jar")
6 def download
7 pdfwriterclass = Rjb::import("com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter")
8 documentclass = Rjb::import("com.lowagie.text.Docuemnt")
9 bytearrayclass = Rjb::import("java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream")
10 paragraphclass = Rjb::import("com.lowagie.text.Paragraph")
11 byteArrayInstance = byteArrayClass.new()
12 document = documentClass.new()
13 writer = pdfWriterClass.getInstance(document,byteArrayInstance)
14 document.open()
15 document.add(paragraphClass.new("Hello!!!"))
16 document.close()
17 fileinbytes = byteArrayInstance.toByteArray()
18 send_data(fileInBytes, {:filename => "Letters For Printing.pdf", :type => "application/pdf"})
19 end
21 end
(recommended) Please place the
require 'rjb'in your application.rb
WARNING: Do not call Rjb::load() more than once throughout your application. Put Rjb::load in your application.rb file and then load all your jars there like so Rjb::load(abc.jar;def.jar;ghi.jar).
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