Sunday, July 20, 2008

Writing Install Utility for JAMES: Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server

When I first wrote the install utility a few MONTHS ago the reaction was lukewarm to say the least (1). So I have decided to write this blog in the hope that someone will notice and proceed with this path. If my installer is not accepted perhaps someone else's will be and the world will be better off with having an easy to install JAMES installer.
1) Using Setupbuilder I wrote a James Installer project by first creating a new project so :
2) After the usual software driven questionnaire (pick installation directory, pick name etc.) the most common error most people make when writing installers with setupbuilder is this one:

the installer writer usually forgets to pick the directories AND the files icon in the bar. If you will recall from the previous post that to install JAMES you need the Java Activation Framework files and the Javamail API files.

3) the next big step was to check for the existence of the JRE in the registry of windows :

4) Some of the configuration for JAMES can be seen here :
5) You may download the installer executable here[1]

6) Running the installer should look like so:

7) It will ask you to approve the Apache License here :

8) pick destination folder

9) installing
10) double check :
11) that is it! that is how installers should be?

What remains is to start the JAMEs server automatically, to give the option of installing it as a service and to check for any previous installs or editions.

P.S. To install JAMES as a windows service:
C:\Tools\james-2.2.0\bin>wrapper -i ..\conf\wrapper.conf
you should see:
wrapper | James Mail Server 2.1 installed.

To remove James as a windows service:
C:\Tools\james-2.2.0\bin>wrapper -r ..\conf\wrapper.conf
you should see:
wrapper | James Mail Server 2.1 removed.

Note: To get more information about the wrapper command, type: C:\Tools\james-2.2.0\bin>wrapper


Anonymous said...

I like the (James) installer very much. Well done! BTW, I am also using SB.


Anonymous said...

I like the SB& script. That you for that.


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