Thursday, July 17, 2008


Previously I exhibited code that interacted with JAMES and created users and sent and received emails. But when I first began I found that installing or setting up JAMES was rather primitive (unzipping files, setting environment variables manually and typing "run.bat"!) This is a tutorial for those who still have to do it the hard way (hopefully this way will become obsolete with the introduction of an executable; in the next post I will go over how I wrote the installer for JAMES):

1) Download the Java Activation Framework (deprecated for javamail and jaf are already part of james-2.3.1 distribution)
2) Download the JavaMail API (deprecated for javamail and jaf are already part of james-2.3.1 distribution)
3) Download JAMES [page][zip]
4) unzip the downloads from steps 1-3 and organize them in a directory so :

4) Download and install a java vm (1.4+) [page]
6) check for installation of JVM in step 4 by typing java -version on command line:
7) (optional) check that JAVA_HOME is set:

double check so :
8) setup the username and pwd for logging into JAMES (to be safe)
8.a) go to config.xml (in our case located in C:\James\james-2.3.1\apps\james\SAR-INF\config.xml)
8.b) Go to line 798 (approx) : And change the default user and password from root / root to maybe difficultusername/ difficulttobreakpwd
9) Now type run.bat from the james-2.3.1\bin directory :

10) That should start JAMES. phew! Compared to the next->next-> installation that most of humanity is used to ... that was difficult, wasn't it?

References:"Quick start" ; this tutorial

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